Wednesday, August 13, 2008

You Cannot Wait To Leave Your Job And Enjoy Your Life

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

Let's just say your 5 or 10 or 15 years or so away from when you think your might retire.

It's the period of time you plan and take a look at what you might want down the road. Some might call this the" Preretirement" stage. I truly suggest you really take this to heart! Let's take a look at some different scenarios and see if you fit into any of them: You and your spouse both work at jobs you enjoy and find passion in. Naturally, you will come from a different place in your life than your friends will. These jobs bring meaning to your life and you feel fulfilled. Both find your contentment in their roles within the relationship.

You work and your spouse does not or your spouse works and you do not. One of you finds contentment and satisfaction in your role and the other does not. You love your job and cannot imagine your life without it. You are single. You are single. Surely, there are other situations but those are an example of a few.

You can not wait to retire and finally do something you want to do that makes you happy. Just suppose you are ten years from the time you would like to retire. That can mean you leave your job totally, or begin to phase yourself out or you find another job that you have always wanted and you will LOVE. Now, you can be flexible here with the word" retire" . Let me ask you some questions now. Give them some time to shift and settle.

Just think about them for a bit before you jump to an answer. Your answer is not carved in stone! You can make changes as you need to along the way, to suit you at that time of your life. You are flexible! You have had a very successful career and are well known for your accomplishments. You are now retired.

You are used to getting accolades and constant reinforcement about how talented and special you are. You are no longer going to this place everyday where they think you are so wonderful. Who is going to pat you on the back and let you know how great you are? How are you going to handle this? Where are you going to get those positive and uplifting feelings from? They, on the other hand, have their own life and they really don' t want to rearrange their life to accommodate you.

You have left your job and are just thrilled about being home more and spending time with your spouse. Now what are you going to do? Will the two of you be able to compromise? Do you expect your spouse to change their entire life for you? You cannot wait to leave your job and enjoy your life. Are you going to insist your spouse quit their job to be with you?

Your spouse wants to continue working for many more years. If they do continue working, what are you going to do? You are single. You love your job! You are laid off! Do you know what you love? What are you going to do?

What you have a passion for? You get to retire and do what you have dreamed of! You are single. Do you have a plan? How are you going to make this dream come true for you? Do you know how to get what you want?

Okay. This is your" Preretirement" stage so you have lots of time to plan so that you don' t get caught in a situation unprepared. This is just a place to start. Let this be a jumping off place for you. I promise you it will be worth the energy! Take your time to mull over what you would like your life to look like. So, let me ask you.

What are you going to do in those retirement years of yours?

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